| 1. | Purge persisted events from the event server 从事件服务器中清除事件 |
| 2. | Query events persisted by the event server 查询事件服务器上的事件 |
| 3. | This event is now ready to be sent to the event server using an emitter 创建发射器现在开始准备用发射器将事件发送到事件服务器。 |
| 4. | The event may be persisted by the event server without waiting for the client to commit 如果不等待客户端提交,事件可能被事件服务器持久存储。 |
| 5. | In the production release , events may be sent asynchronously via jms to the event server 在产品版本中,事件可以通过jms异步传送到事件服务器。 |
| 6. | The emitter will attempt to pass the event to the event server via a direct ejb invocation 发射器将试图通过直接的ejb调用传送事件到事件服务器。 |
| 7. | Would cause the emitter to only send events to the event server that have a severity of precisely 50 会使发射器只将severity刚好为50的事件发送到事件服务器。 |
| 8. | A complementary set of functions allow the application to obtain a list of available alarms & events servers 还有一个补充函数集允许应用获取可用的警报/事件服务器列表。 |
| 9. | The technical preview events only support sending events synchronously to the event server , using an ejb interface 技术预览版事件只支持通过ejb接口同步的向事件服务器发送事件。 |
| 10. | Provided that no failures occur in the above steps , the emitter will then attempt to submit the event to the event server 假设上述步骤中没有出现故障,发射器将试图提交事件到事件服务器。 |